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Goat Partners International Inc.

Contact Information

1600 Golf Road / Suite 1200
ROLLING MDWS, IL 60008 United States

Contact: Jan van Marwijk Kooy
Phone: 8473372615

Goat Partners International is a distributor of unique and high quality goat milk powders. We offer Whole Goat Milk Powder which is an ideal ingredient for making goat milk soap, creams, bath bombs and cosmetics.

Goat milk soap is a gentle cleanser rich in fatty acids that can help support a healthy skin barrier to keep skin nourished and moisturized. Moreover, its high lactic acid content may help exfoliate the skin, which may benefit those with acne

Our goat milk powder is produced in Europe as the goat milk quality is far superior, animal welfare policies are more advanced and the processing facilities are more sophisticated. The end result is a better goat milk powder for you and your business. 

Our goat milk powder is available in 25kg / 55lbs bags and you can order a single bag via our special listing on Amazon. 

Our Amazon price is the most economical one in the market and includes free shipping within the United States.  

Please contact us via email to receive your special introductory discount.

For larger orders, please contact us directly to provide you with our pricing.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you.





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