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Sixth Street Soapery

Contact Information

44 Washington Ave
Evansville, IN 47713 United States

Contact: Mary Allen
Phone: 8124313835

Mary Allen began her soap making journey when she needed a chemistry project for her high school daughter. They had a blast making soap and fell in love with the craft. Once they did the research on what their family had been slathering all over their bodies, they couldn't go back. As a family, they became passionate about the importance of what goes ON the body, just as much as what goes in, and how to "feed" skin an equally clean diet. Mary was the Co-Founder/Owner of Soap Solutions for 6 Years and is now the sole owner of Sixth Street Soapery where she focuses on simple, everyday skincare for everyone!

Mary is a 7 year member of the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild and has since become an Advanced Certified Soap Maker. Mary is thoughtful of each ingredient and truly believes simple ingredients in the right combination make extraordinary products.


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Sixth Street Soapery

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Sixth Street Soapery

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