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Soap Studio on Fifth

Contact Information

New York, NY United States

Contact: Cae Byng
Phone: 7186369326

Using classic soap making techniques, each workshop provides an outlet to encourage your inner creativity.  Classes explore soap making from a different prospective; students are encouraged to incorporate their own style to make soap bars that are somewhat unusual, fun loving and inspired by the word around us.

Upcoming Classes

Booze & Bubbles Melt & Pour Workshop

Company: Soap Studio on Fifth

New York, NY

Date & Time: By Appointment

Booze & Bubbles is a soap-making workshop, ideal for a fun night out alone or with friends. Participants are instructed in classic soap-making techniques to create cocktail-inspired soap bars. You bring your own refreshments we provide all the materials for a fun-filled creative evening. Take home the soaps you make along with the recipes for the inspiring cocktails.

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Booze & Bubbles Melt & Pour Workshop (Copy)

Company: Soap Studio on Fifth

New York, NY

Date & Time: By Appointment

Booze & Bubbles is a soap-making workshop, ideal for a fun night out alone or with friends. Participants are instructed in classic soap-making techniques to create cocktail-inspired soap bars. You bring your own refreshments we provide all the materials for a fun-filled creative evening. Take home the soaps you make along with the recipes for the inspiring cocktails.

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