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Motor City Soap Company LLC

Contact Information

5203 Loraine St.
Detroit, MI 48208 United States

Contact: Caitlyn Pisarski
Phone: 3137572129

Motor City Soap Company was founded by Caitlyn Pisarski in 2012 after she attended a soap making workshop in Detroit through a skill-share program. She was inspired by the instructor to create healthy, beautiful, handmade soaps with simple ingredients and little equipment. In the following months she read The Natural Soap Book and The Soapmaker’s Companion by Susan Miller Cavitch. For the first time she became aware of the use of synthetic ingredients and chemical preservatives in commercial soaps. For years she had been aware of where her food came from; it was only natural to begin questioning the products she used on her body.

Our soaps are made with certified organic olive, coconut and sustainable palm oils and are scented with high quality certified organic essential oils. We use 100% organic products for the harvester and consumer’s physical health as well as the environmental health of the land producing these oils. These soaps gentle on skin and extremely moisturizing! We create soaps that will easily find their way to the sinks of working women and men. Utility is key.


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