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Copper Soap Works

Contact Information

Copper Soap Works
301 Knolls Drive
COPPEROPOLIS, CA 95228-9469 United States

Contact: Claudia Akers
Phone: 4084975050

Named after our home in Copperopolis, Copper Soap Works is nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Foothills in California.  This landscape provides us with daily inspiration in the creation of our soaps and skin care products. We are passionate about protecting not only the land we live on but the planet, too and work hard to live simple, sustainable lives. 

We're a family owned soap company that creates handmade products in small batches with carefully sourced, organic whenever possible, all natural ingredients. We pride ourselves in sourcing local.  The result is lovingly made, chemical free soaps and bath and body products that are good for you and the planet. 

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