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Riverside Soap Studio

Contact Information

Marion Station, MD 21838 United States

Contact: Lois
Phone: (678) 492-0838

Products/Services Offered

  • Soap
  • Cosmetics
  • Candles

Product Types

  • Colored Soaps
  • Holiday Themed Soaps
  • Wedding/Party Favors

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Riverside Soap Studio makes quality handcrafted soap using botanical oils and premium fragrance and essential oils. A custom order of handmade soap makes a lovely gift or a unique party favor for special events such as baby showers and weddings. Contact Lois Outten for bulk and custom orders.

Riverside Soap Studio donates all profits to Haitian Homes for Haitian Children, a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to holding Haitian families together to avoid child abandonment. HH4HC addresses the educational, physical, medical, and spiritual needs of children and their families. In consultation with local leaders in Haiti, HH4HC works with local churches and schools to identify and support children and families in need.

Visit for more information about this wonderful organization.


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