Purchase A Little Handbook About Topical CBD

When author Kayla Fioravanti discovered hemp CBD - it changed her world and health! As a cosmetic formulator, with decades in the natural industry, she views hemp CBD as the topical ingredient that can change the skincare industry. A Little Handbook about Topical CBD introduces anyone interested in using topical hemp CBD, makers of skincare products, and those already in the Cannabis industry to the potential of some nearly miraculous plant medicine.


Inside you'll find the skinny on:

-Information about the safety of hemp CBD

-The basics of the hemp plant

-A rundown about cannabidiol & the endocannabinoid system

-Beyond skin deep information about topical CBD

-And in introduction to FDA and labeling regulations

Within the pages of A Little Handbook about Topical CBD consumers and makers alike will find valuable insight into the mighty hemp plant. You just might find yourself compelled to slather yourself head to toe in hemp CBD products or even inspired to join the hemp revolution. 

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