Purchase Living Without Plastic

Embrace a plastic-free lifestyle with more than 100 simple, stylish swaps for everything from pens and toothbrushes to disposable bottles and the 5 trillion plastic bags we use—and throw out—every year.

-Use a natural loofah, not a synthetic sponge
-Buy milk in glass bottles or make homemade nut milk
-Opt for a waste-free shampoo bar
-Skip the printed receipt and opt for an email instead
-Wrap gifts beautifully with cloth

Organized into five sections—At Home, Food & Drink, Health & Beauty, On the Go, and Special Occasions—Living Without Plastic is a cover-to-cover collection of doable, differencemaking solutions, including a 30-Day Plastic Detox Program.

Price: $19.95 each

$ ea.

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