Seminar Registration

Price: $89 (per attendee)

Several special half-day seminars are available for conference attendees. These seminars are optional, and are in addition to the regular conference content. They are available to registered conference attendees only.

The cost of the seminar includes the seminar, handouts, coffee/tea service in the morning and lunch.

These intensive seminars are intended to provide an opportunity for a in-depth look at each subject, with plenty of time for individual attention and Q & A. Attendance in each seminar will be limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Details on the seminars can be found on the Conference Seminars page.


The optional seminars will be held in the morning and early afternoon on May 5, 2025, and will be completed before registration that evening. Lunch is included.

If you plan to attend one of the special seminars, be sure that your arrange your transportation so you will be well rested and ready to go at 10:00 am on May 5, 2025. We recommend arriving at the hotel the day before (or earlier), so you're not rushed and have a chance to settle in.

Hold On! You must be logged in AND registered for the 2025 Conference in order to purchase a seminar.

Already a current or past member, or already registered?


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