Conference Videos

Get a feel for the HSCG Annual Conference!

Indianapolis, Indiana (2015)

For an in-depth look at what to expect at the conference, check our Virtual Video Tour!

Tucson, Arizona (2014)

With 425 attendees, the Tucson Conference was sold out and the largest conference ever - by over 100 attendees!!

Raleigh, North Carolina (2013)

May, 2013, found 325 soap and cosmetic makers gathered at the Hilton North Raleigh for the 2013 Annual Conference. With sessions on a wide variety of subjects, two fantastic evening events, soapers showcase, certifications, goodies galore it was the biggest HSCG Conference ever!

Miami, Florida (2011)

In May, 2011, over 300 soap and cosmetic makers gathered in at the Miami Downtown Hilton for the 2011 Annual Conference. Over three days attendees had 24 different sessions available, covering basic business,customer service, CP swirling, mobile revolution, organic certification, colarants, insurance, wholesaling, chemistry, lotion making, packaging and much, much more!

Denver, Colorado (2010)

The 2010 Conference was held at the beautiful Inverness Resort and Conference Center located just outside Denver, CO. With attendance of over 300, it was a huge conference and a big success.

Palm Springs, California (2009)

The 2009 Conference was located in Palm Springs, at the Miramontehe Miramonte Resort & Spa. Attendees enjoyed terrific weather and a relaxing environment while attending classes and presentations.

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