Members Showcase

Recognizing our Makers

Celebrating the creativity, skill and quality of those who make handcrafted soap, cosmetics and candles.

Hall Of Fame

Every year the HSCG hosts an Annual Conference, and at every conference the attendees bring their soaps to compete in the Soapers Showcase. Hundreds of soaps are entered in 8 categories. Attendees vote on their favorites for each category. These soapmakers have won twice in the same category and are therefore inducted into this Hall of Fame.

Best Something Different - US - 2017 -

US - 2017

Best Something Different - US - 2019 -

US - 2019

Best Something Different

Laura Kelmelis & Sue Schier

Adventures in Lala Land, LLC

Oxford, PA United States

Best In Show - US - 2017 -

US - 2017

Best In Show - US - 2018 -

US - 2018

Best In Show

Laura Kelmelis & Sue Schier

Adventures in Lala Land, LLC

Oxford, PA United States

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