Membership Options

The Handmade Soap and Cosmetic Guild is committed to providing the best value and service to our members.

We offer several membership options to best meet your needs:

Novice Handcrafter


Individuals who make soap, cosmetics and/or candles, but do not yet market or sell to the public. Please note: insurance coverage is not available at this membership level.

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Designed for those just learning their craft, and are not yet selling to the public, this affordable membership allows you to take advantage of all that the HSCG has to offer.

From the full HSCG Resource Center to monthly product discounts, the Novice Membership pays for itself quickly. It includes all member benefits, except those related to marketing and selling handcrafted soap, cosmetics and candles via the HSCG Member Marketplace.

Benefits include:

  • Insurance
  • Product & Service Discounts
  • Advanced Lye Calculator
  • Annual Conference Discount
  • Full access to Resource Center
  • E-news, brochure and HSCG member badge

Note: Novice Memberships are limited to five (5) years, then transition to Professional Membership status. Novice members may vote and serve on HSCG committees but cannot hold office.

Professional Handcrafter

$225/year (plus insurance, if purchased)

Companies who make handcrafted soap, cosmetics and/or candles and market them to the public.

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For companies who sell handcrafted soap, cosmetics and/or candles to the public, this affordable membership pays for itself with access to insurance coverage, product discounts and the opportunity to create a listing for your business right on the HSCG website. Members at this level are also able to fulfill custom product requests that consumers make through the HSCG site.

Product and general liability insurance can be added to this level of membership for as low as $275 + membership dues. See the Insurance FAQ and Insurance Comparison Chart for more details. Canadian Members can purchase insurance directly through our Canadian Partners. See the Canadian Insurance FAQ for more details.

Benefits include:

  • Access to affordable insurance options for a discounted fee
  • Optional inclusion in the HSCG Maker Marketplace
  • Custom request opportunities
  • Product and service discounts through HSCG Vendor Members and partners
  • Advanced lye calculator
  • Annual Conference registration discount
  • Full access to the Resource Center

Associate Professional Handcrafter

$50.00 per Associate Member, per membership term

Exclusively for Professional Handcrafter Members, for those who would like to add employee access to their membership.

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In 2022, the HSCG Membership voted to add Associate Memberships; these memberships are only available for Professional Handcrafter Members, and are meant for employees or business affiliates of the Professional Handcrafter Members.

Associate Memberships have all of the benefits of a Professional Membership, except voting rights. Associate Members are able to update listings, access supplier discounts, and answer special requests on behalf of their affiliated Professional Handcrafter Member. Professional Members may have up to five (5) Associate Memberships at a time.

Pricing and Terms

Associate Members are $50 per membership. These memberships are non-transferrable and expire when the affiliated Professional Membership expired. Associate Memberships are not prorated; meaning, whether a Professional Member purchases an Associate Membership at the start of the Professional Membership or mid-way through, the price will remain the same. The responsible Professional Member has the ability to purchase, renew or deactivate an Associate Membership at any time. No refunds/credits in partial or in full will be granted if an Associate Membership is deactivated prior to the expiration date of the Professional Membership. Any Certifications held by the Associate Member are non-transferrable and will expire when the Professional Membership expires, if the Professional does not renew the Associate Membership.

Private Label


Businesses who purchase handcrafted soap and/or cosmetics to use or resell under their private label.

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Private Label Membership is for companies that are purchasing handcrafted products to resell under their own label. It also applies to businesses, like inns and spas, that purchase custom handcrafted products to brand and use for guests.

Private Label Members are connected to HSCG’s full membership and able to tap makers to provide private label product. This membership is also a valuable source of communication about trends in the industry.

Benefits include:

  • Insurance
  • Product & Service Discounts
  • Annual Conference Discount
  • Full access to Resource Center
  • E-news , brochure and HSCG member badge
Note: Private Label Members may vote, nominate candidates and serve on HSCG committees but cannot hold office.


Each level offers more benefits and exposure to HSCG members.

Businesses that sell products or services to handcrafters.

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If you are trying to reach handcrafted soap, cosmetic and/or candle makers, the HSCG Vendor Membership offers unparalleled return on investment. Whether you offer raw materials, packaging, equipment, or services, connect with the HSCG’s 3,600 members to expand your customer base and introduce new merchandise. Vendors and supplier also enjoy special promotion and direct access to makers at our Annual Conference.

A Vendor Membership is in the name of the business (not an individual). Representatives of Vendor Member businesses may not serve as the HSCG President or on the Board of Directors as the membership is in the business name. However, they may be involved in specific committees on behalf of their company.

The HSCG offers three tiers of Vendor Membership, based on your size, budget and promotional needs:

Tier 1: $3000/year

Join larger vendors and suppliers seeking to maximize their visibility and reach with the HSCG membership.

Tier 1 Highlights:

  • Platinum Sponsorship designation at the Annual Conference
  • Priority placement in the monthly Vendor eNews

Tier 2: $1500/year

This membership offers medium-sized companies great benefits and visibility.

Tier 2 Highlights:

  • Silver Sponsorship designation at the Annual Conference
  • Ability to create a listing on our Supplies & Services page

Tier 3: $500/year

An affordable option for small or new businesses that serve the handcrafted community.

Tier 3 Highlights:

  • A 25% discount on any sponsorship of the HSCG Annual Conference
  • Ability to submit an ad in the monthly Vendor eNews

In addition to the special benefits outlined above, Vendor Members also take advantage of many benefits offered to all members of the HSCG, such as insurance, shipping discounts and education.

Retired Handcrafter


Individuals who make soap, cosmetics and/or candles, but do not yet market or sell to the public.

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Making handcrafted products is a life-long passion, and we honor those who played a role building our industry. That is why we are proud to offer a special membership for those makers who may have retired from the business but wish to stay active and connected with HSCG and the maker community.

To qualify, the individual must have been an HSCG member at the Professional Level for a minimum of two (2) years and must no longer have a business that sells to the public.

Our Retired Handcrafter members enjoy the same benefits, except those related to marketing and selling soap and cosmetic products. We also welcome them to share their experience, serving on committees or the Board of Directors.

Benefits include:

  • Insurance
  • Product & Service Discounts
  • Advanced Lye Calculator
  • Annual Conference Discount
  • Full access to Resource Center
  • E-news, brochure and HSCG member badge

Take advantage of PayPal Credit® to pay for your membership over time!

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New & Returning Members

Hortense McCarthy
Back to Basics Soaps and Other Essentials

Delene Vollenweider
The Bubbling Goat

Misty Cronin
CLB Soaps

Tamanava Eden-McLintock
Broomsticks Designs

Deitria Hodo
Earth & Ash Soap LLC

Lori LaMattina
Yellow Pony Soapworks

Heike Henry
Rupams Herbals LLC

Jared Weisman
Old Oak Goods, LLC

Candice Clemens
Witchcult Nail Lacquer

Valerie Lamirande
RavenSong Soap

Vasfiye Turkoglu

Clelia Gonzalez

Linda Penner
Last Stop Acres

Nancy Grisel

Diana Marcelin
Martous Naturals

Laura Berg
Vintage Wax Parlour LLC

Lalena Diesen
Diesen Luxury Designs

Elise Parsons
The Lazy Homesteader, LLC

Tina Godwin
Bee Square Studio

Melissa Rosenheck
Concord Soap Company, LLC

Laurie Merrick
Simply Noble Ltd.

Thomas Cullipher
Southern Charm Candles LLC

Yolaunda Vaughn

Eva LM Cabato

Jessica Tracy
Cowboy Trail Supply Co LLC

Tamra David

Jenifer Brown
Apotheca Brown Soaps & Sundries Co, LLC.

Shandie Knorr
Shandie's Sundries

Tamee Chen
Chosen Beauty

Jessica Wight
Scotland Hill Soaps

Margaret Thomas
World of Wildflower

Janice L Ballard
Designer SoapWorks, LLC

Eric Yang
B.E. Wax Company

Tammy Lee
Cowgirl Bath Essentials

Justin Houghtelling
Twisted Birch Soaps

Jim Hudak
Roza Candles

JaLeesa Shears
Little Baby Bubbles LLC

Sandra Metzler

Monica Carter
Kate's Restaurant & Fish Camp

Jessica Hartley
Isthmus Slough Soap Company

Jennifer Rokey

David Nachat
Latifa art soap house llc dba Olliepop

Lea Themea
The Soap Tapestry

Wing Man Huen
Tru and Ra LLC

Michelle Simmons
Slow North

Rachel Freidt
Primatti LLC

Kelly Robinson

Michelle Lynn
MpoweredfuL Souls

Charlene McDaniel
Lit Life Creations

Tabitha Penn
Penn Farms

Michelle Bruce
Lake of the Woods Wax & Soap Company

Doug Layne
Adopted Acres Soap Co

Mithila Jegathesan
Beehouse Soap

Pamela Ammiano
Nourishing Potions

Kimberly Dichosa

Rocio Godoy
Deware Accessories

Deborah Widner
Cache River Soaps

Anh Stanley

Alice Cash
Raven's Eye Soapworks LLC

Felecia Parks
Lip Print Beauty Bar

Monica McClatchey
Brynn Dianne Body Care

Marianne Ndiaye
Body Butter Lady

Haley Downing

Liz Martin
The Cape Coop Farm

Betsy Macfarlan
Double Bar J Enterprises

Janette Merrill
Soap EsScentials L.L.C.

Diana Blades
Driftwood and Sage

Carolyn Holm
That Skincare Co.

Dwayne Jennings
Tribal Wicks LLC

Helen Scott

Kelly Powers
Kelly Marie's Essentials

Lisa Vukovits
Earth Sticks & Scents LLC

Simi Khabra
Muddy Mint

Mechelle Ernst
Helping Hands and Heels, LLC

Janet Locey
Hen Scratch Quilting

Megan Burdock
Megan's Pantry, LLC

Jenifer DelValle
Delice des Sens

Nicole Walker

Steven Yocco
Resonant Botanicals

Suzanne Blue
True Blue Bath and Body

Krystal James
Soapy Faith

Meaghan Hayden
Little Sunflower Herbal Company

Brittanie Beeson
Down Home Suds and Scents

Cindy Hanson
Cindy's Suds, LLC

Elisabeth Mabie
Mabie\'s Farm

Sarah McDaid

Beverly Kelly-Carfagno
Muddy Creek Soap Company

Valerie Ponciano
Rose Monroe Botanicals

Andrea Gosswiller
the Beekeeper's Wife

Joanne Lapic
Paisley & Company Bath Boutique

Jill Townsend
Six Mile Soap

Erin Berger
Bookend Candle Co.

Sal Campagna
Pascha Candle LLC

Anne M Russell

Melissa Williams
Pea Pod Country

Lira Campbell
Magnolia Handcrafted

Rochell Selvey
R. Drew Naturals, LLC

Jennifer Jahn

Bethany Stahl
Happy Little Herbs

Cassie Krawiec
Faith Filled Essentials

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