Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild are elected for two-year terms. Three board seats come up for election on even years, and three board seats and the Presidency come up for election on odd years. Elections take place in the spring at the Annual Conference. Terms start on July 1 and end on June 30.

The HSCG President and Board serve as volunteers and are not paid. Those who have chosen to serve on the Board have shown their true dedication to the HSCG and the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry through their selfless service to and for the HSCG.

Stephanie Falsetta


Stephanie is the owner of Goats in a Coat, in Montgomery NY, and has been a member of the HSCG since 2014. She was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2019 to fill a vacancy, and was elected in 2020 for a two-year term.

Tracy Heppes

Vice President

Tracy was born and raised in Louisville/Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Her family was one of the first 15 settlers in Elizabethtown, KY! In 2004, she moved to Ohio where she met her husband, Jason. They, together with their 15-year-old son, live in Xenia, OH. In 2014, she was asked by a friend if she wanted to attend a Soapmaking Boot Camp. She fell in love with the process as well as the new art form as it satisfied both her inner chemist and artist.

Tracy owns Tracy Heppes Creations, is the Local Chapter President for the Kentucky So. Ohio chapter and has been a member of the HSCG since 2017.

Contact: theppes(at)

Sara Golding


Owner of Sunny Girl Sundries, Sara Golding takes great pride in creating useful bath and body products that brings a smile to their users. Having a beautiful product in low waste and sustainable packaging is at the heart of all Sunny Girl products. By cashing in on her 20+ years of retail and business experience, Sara continually strives to become more efficient in her processes. These are the same tips and tricks she shares in her Making Soap Magazine articles, and now to the Soap Conference attendees! Being able to use these tricks has freed up untold hours of unnecessary work. All of which allows her to carefully handcraft her soaps and still have time to focus on her tween-age daughter Isabell, her bouncy rescue pup Lucy, and her ever-growing collection of plants and flowers!

Sister Cathleen Timberlake

Board Member

In 2002, Sr. Cathleen started Monastery Scents personal care business, which is now Monastery Creations and embraces all the works done at the Monastery. Sr. Cathleen served as a Board member 2008-2010 and as President 2012-2013 and was re-elected to the Board of Directors in 2020. She was certified as a CP'HP Soapmaker in the very first group of certification testing.
Contact: ctimberlake(at)

Stoney Morris

Board Member

As Co-owner of Dirty Unicorn, Stoney Morris works alongside his husband, Baz Morris to create a wide variety of empowering self-care products. Using his 15-plus years in the culinary world and 8 years in the US Army, Stoney starves to create products that bring people together while teaching them the importance of self-care. Stoney was elected to the Board of Directors in 2024.

The following people have served on the Board of Directors of the HSCG*. Their dedication, participation and contribution has been greatly appreciated. They are sincerely thanked for all they have done to further the objectives and goals of the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild. (* since 2003)

Past Presidents

Julie Koenig Headshot
Julie Koenig

2011 - 2017 (Board)
2020 - 2022 (President)

Charlene Simon Headshot
Gates Councilor

2019 - 2020 (President)
2019 (Board)

Charlene Simon Headshot
Charlene Simon

2017 - 2019 (President)
2014 - 2017 (Board)

Feleciai Favroth Headshot
Feleciai Favroth

2020 - Present (Board)
2013 - 2017 (President)
2009 - 2013 (Board)

Cathleen Timberlake Headshot
Cathleen Timberlake

2020 - Present (Board)
2012 - 2013 (President)
2008 - 2012 (Board)

Leigh O'Donnell Headshot
Leigh O'Donnell

2005 - 2009 (Board)
2009 - 2012 (President)
2011 - Present (Executive Director)

Marie Gale Headshot
Marie Gale

2004 - 2009 (President)
2003 -2004 (Board)

Past Board Members

Beth Byrne Headshot
Beth Byrne

2010-2017, 2019-2024

Felecia Favroth Headshot
Felecia Favroth

2009-2017, 2020-2021

Joan Taylor


Cathleen McGinnis Headshot
Cathleen McGinnis


Barb De Los Santos Headshot
Barb De Los Santos


Jana Rife Headshot
Jana Rife


Al Gerhold Headshot
Al Gerhold


Cynthia Carrasco Headshot
Cynthia Carrasco


Julie Koenig Headshot
Julie Koenig


Beth Byrne Headshot
Beth Byrne


Tricia Hoffman Headshot
Tricia Hoffman


Tanya Rasley Headshot
Tanya Rasley


Holly Port Headshot
Holly Port


Benjamin Aaron Headshot
Benjamin Aaron


Tami Thornton Headshot
Tami Thornton

2012 - 2014

Jennifer Grimes Headshot
Jennifer Grimes

2012 - 2014

Lauri Isle Headshot
Lauri Isle

2013 - 2014

Donna Pixton-Hacker Headshot
Donna Pixton-Hacker

2010 - 2012

Maria Gelnett Headshot
Maria Gelnett

2008 - 2011

Delores Harris Headshot
Delores Harris

2009 - 2010

Elaine Koronich Headshot
Elaine Koronich

2007 - 2010

Gillian De Conto Headshot
Gillian De Conto

2009 - 2010

Deb Scanlan Headshot
Deb Scanlan


La Shonda Tyree Headshot
La Shonda Tyree

2004 - 2009

Denaige Shanks Headshot
Denaige Shanks

2009 - 2010

Pam Lyons Headshot
Pam Lyons

2007 - 2008

Nadine Laurent Headshot
Nadine Laurent

2007 - 2008

Jackie Thompson Headshot
Jackie Thompson

2004 - 2007

Robert Kishtok Headshot
Robert Kishtok

2006 - 2008

Judy Green Headshot
Judy Green

2005 - 2007

Rosann Drielsma Headshot
Rosann Drielsma


Linda Stevens Headshot
Linda Stevens

2003 - 2006

Cindy Chandler Headshot
Cindy Chandler

2005 - 2006

Nancy Underwood Headshot
Nancy Underwood

2004 - 2005

Stephanie Falsetta Headshot
Stephanie Falsetta

2019 - 2021

Stephanie Falsetta Headshot
Gates Councilor


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