Billdad Bath - Handmade Soap
Contact Information
PO Box 111
Stratton, ME 04982 United States
Contact: Meghan Knieser
Phone: (207)246-8040
You can find Billdad Bath - Handmade Soap on Facebook and Instagram, the local farmer's markets and craft shows and on the website The handcrafting of our soap is inspired by the beautiful High Peaks Region of Western Maine, as well as the area's rich history and folklore.
About the name: A Billdad is a creature from Maine logging folklore. Habitat includes grassy streams and ponds in Franklin County, Maine. It feeds on fish and aquatic plants. Common Traits: Approximately the size of an otter, beaver-like tail, bird-of-prey beak, rabbit-like legs that help it jump up to 60 ft. in the air. Rare, shy, elusive. Mythical Creature, Real Soap!