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Tres Naturels, LLC

Contact Information


Shelton, CT 06484 United States

Contact: Finette Lafonant
Phone: 6465266614

Handmade all-natural saops made with certified organic ingredients!!

Fragrance, Paraben, Formaldehyde free,
I do not use any alcohols, synthetic colorants, synthetic fragrances in any of my soaps. All my soaps are handmade from scratch using the cold and or the hot process soap making methods.
The nourishing, moisturizing properties of the ingredients blend in my natural soaps have been specially formulated for the most delicate skin. There are no synthetic essential oils or butters and oils in my soaps; just pure, natural certified organic ingredients that gently cleanse and nourish the skin.

I use exclusively Plant based oils and butters and therapeutic grade essential oils in my soaps. The ingredients are the highest quality available.


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