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TOA Waters

Contact Information

6816 Willis Lane
Frederick, MD 21702 United States

Contact: Javier Folgar
Phone: 240.285.9459

Products/Services Offered

  • Soap

Product Types

  • Gift Sets/Baskets
  • Holiday Themed Soaps
  • Liquid Soap
  • Other Bath Products
  • Soaps for Wholesale
  • Unscented Soaps
  • Wedding/Party Favors

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TOA Waters is the bubble bath company bursting gender stereotypes, one bubble at a time. Men no longer have to worry about what indulging in a bubble bath will do to their image. And women, whoever said that flowery scents and a side of glitter are all that is appropriate for you?

We provide bubble baths for the bold bather. Prepare to hike through a forest or swim in the Red Sea - all in the comfort of your tub.

Our bubble baths are handmade with the finest ingredients and are 100% Vegan - enriched with coconut milk, B-vitamins, calcium, and much more. Time to nourish and cleanse your skin, right down to its deepest layers. Layered with irresistible scents like limewood, agave, and smooth spices.

LGBTQ+/Latin-Small business owned, handcrafted, and proudly made in the USA.

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TOA Waters

TOA Waters

TOA Waters

TOA Waters

TOA Waters

TOA Waters

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