Purchase Soap and Cosmetic Labeling

How to follow THE RULES AND REGS Explained in Plain English

3rd edition, updated 2015

This is an excellent reference source for figuring out how to follow the labeling rules and regulations for soaps, cosmetics and other consumer products. With plenty of examples along with diagrams and drawings of different types of labels it is easy to use and understand. There is a complete chapter devoted to soap labeling with explanations about some of the more complicated (and controversial) issues concerning labeling soap.

About the Author

Marie GaleMarie Gale is a soapmaker with over 10 years experience. She served as President of the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild and has been awarded the status of Honorary Lifetime Member for her contributions to the Soap Guild. Marie speaks about labeling and soap history to soapmaker's gatherings around the country.

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