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Basic Soapmaking References

These are basic soapmaking references which should provide a soapmaker with the knowledge necessary to prepare for the HSCG Basic Soapmaker Certification Exam. NOTE: Links generally open in a new window or tab.

CP/HP Soapmaking

Cavitch, Susan Miller. Soapmaker's Companion: A Comprehensive Guide with Recipes, Techniques, and Know-How. Storey Publishing: Vermont, 1997.

Grosso, Alicia. The Everything Soapmaking Book, 3rd Edition. Adams Media Corporation: Massachusetts, 2012.

HSCG Learning Library. The Beginner's Guide to Making CP Soap

_______. My First Cold Process Soap (Video)

_______. Math for Soap & Cosmetic Handcrafters (Video)

Letcavage, Elizabeth and Harden, Melissa. Natural Soap Making. Stackpole Books: Pennsylvania, 2013.

Moenck, Tina. The Soap Making Handbook Vol. 1, 3rd Edition, Tina Moenck: 2016.

Watson, Anne. Smart Soapmaking. Shepard Publications: Washington, 2016.

Purple Math. Basic "Percent of" Word Problems.

MP Soapmaking

Chialtas, Debbie. Soapylove. North Light Books: Ohio, 2009.

Faiola, Anne-Marie. Soap Queen Melt & Pour Soap: The Early Years. Soap Queen Press: 2015.

Westerman, Kaila C. Melt and Mold Soap Crafting. Storey Publishing: Vermont, 2000.

Safety, Health, and Environmental

Note that the term "MSDS" (Material Data Safety Sheet) has been replaced by "SDS" (Safety Data Sheet).

Certified Lye Company. "SDS for Sodium Hydroxide, Solid".

Certified Lye Company. "Lye Safety, Handling, Storage, & First Aid".

Environment, Health, and Safety Online. "Definition of Terms Used in Material Safety Data Sheets".

HSCG Learning Library: Handcrafted Soapmaking Safety (Video)

_______. "SDS Hyper Glossary Index".

_______ . "SDS FAQs: Regulations".

Good Manufacturing Practices

Gale, Marie. Good Manufacturing Practices for Soap and Cosmetic Handrafters. Cinnabar Press: Broadbent, Oregon, 2012. (Available in the HSCG Store; click here)

ASEAN Cosmetics Association. "Good Manufacturing Practices Training Modules".

U.S. FDA/CFSAN. Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice Inspection Checklist (Draft Guidance 2013).

U.S. FDA/CFSAN. Draft Guidance: Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice (2013).

ISO. ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetics -- Good Manufacturing Practices. ((Available from; click here)

SGS: ISO 22716 White Paper

HSCG How-To Library: Legal Compliance

Labeling and General Cosmetic Regulations

United States

US FDA/CFSAN. FDA Authority Over Cosmetics

US FDA/CFSAN. Color Additives Permitted for Use in Cosmetics

US FDA/CFSAN. Key Legal Concepts: Interstate Commerce, Adulterated, and Misbranded

US FDA/CFSAN. Cosmetic Labeling Guide

US FDA/CFSAN. Small Businesses & Homemade Cosmetics: Fact Sheet

US FDA/CFSAN. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)

US FDA/CFSAN. Labeling Regulations: CFR Title 21, Part 701

US FDA/CFSAN. Fragrances in Cosmetics

US FDA/CFSAN. Cosmetic Laws and Regulations

US FDA/CFSAN. Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetic Ingredients


Health Canada/Consumer Product Safety. Labelling of Cosmetics

Health Canada/Consumer Product Safety. Guide to Cosmetic Ingredient Labelling

Health Canada/Consumer Product Safety. Cosmetics. Regulatory Information

Competition Bureau Canada. Guide to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations

European Commission/Enterprise and Industry. Cosmetic Ingredients

European Commission/Enterprise and Industry. Regulation (ED) No 1223/2009 on Cosmetic Products

Additional Materials:

More materials will be developed as time permits. Suggestions for additional certification study materials should be sent to the Certification Committee at

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