Purchase Marie Gale: Product Label Review

Members Only

Marie Gale's book, Soap and Cosmetic Labeling, has become the premier go-to resource when it comes to labeling your products and making sure they are compliant with all the relevant regulations. Now you can have Marie review your label to check that it is meeting the label regulations.  This Label Review Service is available to HSCG members only, and is offered at a huge (40%) discount off her regular price!

The label review covers the label content - front, back, top, bottom and sides - for one handcrafted soap or cosmetic product.  At the completion of the review, you will be provided with a written report including a summary of the main label requirements and a detailed checklist of each requirement, whether your label is incompliance on that point, and what to do if it is not. 

Once you purchase your Label Review, you will receive an email explaining how to submit your information to Marie.  It will be emailed to the email address provided in your checkout process, so be sure you can receive email at that address.  Turn-around time for the review is usually about 3 - 5 days from the time the materials are received by Marie.

Price: $75.00

$ ea.

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